Sunday, February 14, 2010

this week in my intro. to creative writing class, we had to write a poem in the form of a letter. those were our only instructions, so i took a literal approach to it with a twisted shift. i addressed my letter to a time period, instead of who or what the time period is about. i thought it offered a different take on an otherwise simple topic. also, being valentines day, we are assigned to write an "untraditional valentine." i'll be posting that when i finish it. anyway, here you go:

"Dear July 31st of 2008 to February 2nd of 2010:"

Dear July 31st of 2008 to February 2nd of 2010:

I'm writing this in regard to your shortcomings--

in retrospect of your flaws, your deficiencies,

in reexamination of your terrible imperfection,

of the scarcity of your good days, and of your

all too common sleepless nights, in hindsight

of your rude awakening, finally, in heed of

what you took advantage of, my body fast

asleep, in looking back to your curves and

choking back my fears, in tears I am writing -

this - in particular attention to your impractical

fidelity, or lack thereof, to your flings, to your

body which I do miss, to your piggy pink lipstick

and its kisses on my neck and, also, more-so on

the necks of others, outlandish elbows under

our covers, and what were we but

misconstrued lovers. this is not in ultimatum,

not in final demand, not in request, not in asking,

again, and again, of change,

this is a lifted weight. it's been real -

no, hell, it's been terribly, regretfully fake. and

for fuck's sake, a year and a half isn't enough

to take my breath away forever.

Yours truly,

Never Again.


  1. man this is really good. This isnt like a deep compliment, but I just admire your writing cause its never corny, and I think sometimes its so easy for people to write corny sounding things.

  2. thanks doug. i hate how when there is 1 comment, it still makes "comment" plural. (one comments)

  3. I hate how it always shows the wrong time. You didnt comment at 7:01

